Archive for the ‘Editing’ Category

SOUND LOCK!! (Animatic v17)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

Sound is LOCKED and it feels so good!


Now, I have a confession to make — I broke the rules of Picture Lock. In the past week, I took the edit of my film and revamped it pretty heavily (aka I shortened a lot of the shots) and the whole film is now 30 seconds shorter!!! And on top of that, the sounds are all different! I know, right?


With such radical changes made to my film in such a last-minute time period, you HAVE to check out my ~latest animatic~~~~




Also, the music track is finalized and in the edit as well, and if I don’t say so myself — it’s a fabulous piece of work! Created by DJ Irias, I couldn’t be happier with the end-result.


Anyway, right now I’m focused on finishing all the animation of my film — I’m devoting tonight to getting all the 2D animation clean and ready, and after that, all I’ll have left is a bit of lighting, and a handful of little animation-bits I need to fix up before my final Thesis Review arrives on May 8th. AAaghh!! It’s all so soon! But I think I’m on schedule…


Anyway, yeap!


And as always, there is MORE TO COME! (but not that much more… we’re almost at the end!!)