So… I finished.

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

That’s right. I finished my Thesis Film. It’s done.

AND, since I never like to make a post without attaching at least one visual element, here’s a silly trailer I made for my Thesis Film which also acts as an advertisement for the Screening of my film which is going to happen next Saturday in the Norris Theater on USC campus at 7PM.

I figure it’s ok for me to post a trailer of my film since it’s not the entire thing, right? Eh, whatever.

Peace out!

And while there may no longer be anymore to come in regards to the production of my film, there IS more to come in regards to this blog. So stay tuned!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to start getting used to going to sleep before 4:30 AM — something I haven’t really done that much at all in the last month.

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