Almost There

Thursday, February 21st, 2013



So really I’ve made not that much progress on my thesis film this past week, mainly because I’ve only been focusing on the 6 shots from my film that are going to be put in my animator’s reel:


– Mean Girl saying “Sure! Roll me the ball”

– Mean Girl kicking the ball

– Mean Girl saying “Oh I’m SO sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!”

– Mean Girl and Bil having their dialogue while sitting on the play structure in the schoolyard

– Hero climbing the wall

– Hero getting sucked into the mansion


Oh and if you wanna count EVERYTHING from the film that’s going into the reel, then I’m also putting the Hero’s Run Cycle and the Mean Girl’s Run Cycle into the reel as well, but those are both done/don’t require nearly as much work as the other shots.


Anyway, I’m about 90% done with all of those things, which is exciting because I have a lot of free time today to work on them, AND I have all of Friday to work on them as well, and possibly some of Saturday, so HOPEFULLY I’ll get them all done in the next few days. Or if not, I’ll certainly get them all done by some time next week. Which is exciting, because that means that I can finally embark on finishing the animation for the rest of my film! And it’s about time, since I only have a little over a month left to work, yikes.


However, just so that you can have something to look at, here’s the Hero’s House Exterior that I started modelling a couple days ago. Check it out!


(During the day)


(And at night)

Obviously it’s got a ways to go before looking finished, but the overall shape/composition of it is there, and I’m really happy with how it turned out! It’s very cute and normal looking. 🙂

OK, sorry for the lack of interesting stuff. There’ll be more to come I promise!

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