Archive for November, 2012


Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

This is me right now:


Because I’m wavering between constantly wanting to just pass out (and by that I mean watch endless youtube videos), and getting myself to keep working, which is hard when the work I need to do right now can be summed up in this image:



Those are audio files! Each with unique and descriptive filenames! See, one really great thing about my Sound Technician (whose name was Kim Patrick, and she is AWESOME) was that the audio files she gave me came ALREADY CUT UP more or less into their individual takes! Which will make putting them into after effects/selecting the best takes REALLY EASY.


But that doesn’t change the fact that I still have to name them all according to what lines/sounds are in each of them before I can work on them. Because… yea. That’s how I work. I can’t stare at a folder full of files called “Mean Girl_1.wav, Mean Girl_2.wav, Mean_girl_3.wav” and not end up sobbing quietly to myself 5 minutes later.


So that’s been fun (not really)


In other news, I’m rigging the Mean Girls’ friends! Evidence of that is the first image of this post. Ehh? ehhhh? See what I did there?


Also, check it out, the monster house has color! Or at least its’ starting to:



The colors fucking suck, I know. I just kinda applied them based on what seemed right at the time, and NOT based on the painting that Theo gave me, so I’ll take a closer look at that soon and get it crackin’. Luckily, I’m learning about surfacing techniques in my Lighting And Rendering class, so in a few weeks I’ll certainly have a much better idea of how to make this house look old and creepy with just the click of a button! Woohoo!


But yea. I’m just chuggin’ along as usual. Once I get my sound organized/put into the animatic, I’ll be doing some serious RLO animatin’ though, so stay tuned for that. Yeaaahhh buddy!


More to come!