Immediate Improvement!!!

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

This post is mainly for any non-animation people who may be reading my blog, because I just tried out for the first time what is generally considered the “correct” way to animate in 3D, and all I can say right now is… yea, it’s definitely better.


Watch for yourself:


OLD WAY: Creating key frames that aren’t stepped, thus forcing me to focus on getting poses, timing, and movement right all at once:

It’s ok for a first pass.


NEW WAY: Creating key frames that ARE stepped, thus allowing me to only focus on timing and poses, leaving movement for later:


(Keep in mind that these are both ROUGH PASSES and neither are meant as final animation)


As you can see, the new version, while not complete, (the timing is off in places, and I need to run it by people to make sure the poses are good) clearly packs a lot more punch, especially with that one big pose change in the middle as she throw her arms out in bitchy exasperation. True, there’s no ~literal movement~ between each pose, but this method, I have now learned, gives a much better sense of the poses and timing earlier on, which in turn, acts as a stronger base for the body mechanics and final acting to build off of.


So yea! Fuckin’ exciting! I figure if I work at a rate of at least 1 or 2 of these shots a day, I’ll have a rough pass of the entire film by the end of December! Which would be suuuuuuper awesome.




More to come, of course. 😉

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