Light, Camera…

Thursday, November 15th, 2012



Yes, I have finally really hit the point in the production of my film where all there is to do is to ANIMATE. But of course there were a few roadblocks left I had to overcome today before I could start.


1) I needed to edit together the best takes of the reference I shot of all the Dialogue. (And I still need to shoot some more reference, but I’ve done the bulk of it today and yesterday)

2) I also needed to import Archer, Bil, and Edgar (the mean girl’s three friends) into one of the shots so I can start animating it!


But alas, I encountered a minor issue with that — Having 6 rigs in one Maya file will cause your computer to SLOW. DOWN. Like a MOTHERFUCKER. To the point where it’s just not workable anymore. And when I encountered this, at first I was like “shit shit shit shit shit” because I got a film to animate, man!!! But this problem turned out to have a really simple solution: Layers! Basically, the visibility of each character has its own layer, and when I’m animating a character or two characters interacting with each other, I only turn those layers on. The rest can just stand there invisibly, haha.


And with that said, I now have my first shot set up and ready to animate (it’s the scene when the Mean Girl gets the Hero’s ball, kicks it over the wall, and the Mean Girl’s friend tells the Hero that he “ain’t getting that ball back”), and it’s SOOOOO EXCITINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111


But that took pretty much all day today to set up and figure out. For now, though, I leave you with a pretty render of the Mean Girl and her posse of cool friends.


"Sure! Roll me the ball...?"


Gnight y’all! And of course, More to come.

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