
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

So this weekend I didn’t do anything. Like, I did a little bit of revision on the Mean Girls’ Friends, but like… yea I didn’t do anything.


My excuse, though? I was in NorCal the whole weekend celebrating my dad’s 60th birthday. And if there’s one thing I’ve found to be true over the years, it’s that when I’m spending time in the house I grew up in, I can not do ANY work WHATSOEVER. It’s just a fact. I’ll sit at the computer, I’ll try, but there’s just something in the air, and suddenly I’m off doing something else. Usually looking at Facebook. But basically, this past weekend was a mini-vacation for me, haha.


But even though I didn’t do anything, that doesn’t mean that progress wasn’t made on my film!


First of all, I did Voice Auditions on Thursday, and while only 5 people came out to audition, I really liked 3 of them, and over the weekend I confirmed with those 3 actors, and I now have voice actors for 5 of my characters in Phantoms In The Dark!!! (One of them will do 3 different characters) I won’t reveal their names yet, however, because I still need to find an actress for one ~very important role,~ but I know who I’ll audition for that, and so in a few days I’ll probably have my full cast list ready. Woohoo!


Also, over the weekend I got my first round of feedback for a couple of shots for my film! I submitted W.I.P. playblasts of the shot of the main character climbing over the wall, and the shot of him getting grabbed by the tentacle to two people who I worked with/got to know at Dreamworks, and they both got back to me on what they thought of it! They both thought that my animation of the kid struggling with the tentacle worked really well, which is REALLY exciting to hear, woohoo! They also both agreed that the tip-toe needed work, and they both had suggestions on how to fix that, as well as the wall-climbing. But yea! It’s nothing I can’t do, and I’m super excited to put those shots into their final clean-up stages and get them ready to go! WOooooooooooooooo


(here are the shots by the way:)


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Oh and wanna know one other thing I did over this past weekend? I got tickets to see the Misfits live in LA on November 18th.




More to come!

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