Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Hey, remember those 4 kids I designed to be the Mean Girls’ posse? They have been hardcore revamped based off of comments I got from people I showed them to. And I gotta say, they are looking MUUUCHHHH better. Check it out:

ARCHER (old)

Archer was my favorite of the 4, but he still needed some fixing. His shirt was too informal, and he almost looked too stylish. (One fellow student of mine, Sullivan Brown, made the really apt observation that all of the kids in this posse were looking too stylish, and that kids in Middle School who are trying to be stylish will only ever hit the nail 60 or 70% on the head, unless they’re the son or daughter of a famous person)

ARCHER (new)

And as you can see, I didn’t actually change that much with Archer. I tidied up his shirt a bit, and shortened/rounded out his head (which is actually something I did to all of them).

BIL (old)

Yes, Bil really is only spelled with one L like that. Because I said so. Anyway, as you can see, Bil was looking preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty homosexual and just flat-out weird when I first birthed him.

BIL (new)

But now he’s gone from ‘Mo to ‘Bro! Bro who plays basketball, that is. (You can’t really see it in this photo of him, but the sides of his jersey are blue. How American!) And just like Archer, I also rounded out/shortened Bil’s head.


Cassidy was my least favorite. Ugly hair, boring clothes, and he looked like a bizarre 40 year old man.


…And to be honest, I’m still really not impressed with how he’s turning out. He looks much younger here, his hair is slightly better, his clothing’s ok, but really, I don’t feel like he’d fit in with the Mean Girl. She’s too pretty and stylish, and this is just a mess (and his face, ugh).

EDGAR (old)

I kind of know why this happened, but it still surprised me when literally my entire animation class burst into laughter when they saw this guy. But I guess it makes sense — his shirt is unbuttoned down to his bellybutton, and those suspenders, and THAT HAT. It’s all kind of ridiculous. And by “kind of” I mean very.

EDGAR (new)

I like this Edgar MUCH more though. He’s cute, he’s skinny and tall (which is ok for a Middle School boy I guess), and the hat is, needless to say, much better.

Here’s a better look at the hat, btw:

Anyway, I may change the colors of his clothes a bit, and I need to fix his face some, but I like where he’s going otherwise.

Anyway, with that said, I must make an ~important announcement~:


Shocking, I know. But he’s really just kind of an unfixable mess at this point, and I also realize that reducing the number of kids in the Mean Girls’ posse from 4 to 3 will be very smart for several reasons:

1) Less to animate

2) People will still get the point that she has a group of guys that follows her around

3) All great evil things come in threes! Like Cerberus in Harry Potter, or Draco Malfoy and his two friends! Oops, those were both Harry Potter references. Whatever. Anyway, all bad things come in threes, and so I feel like this makes more sense.

So yea, meet your new friends, Mean Girl! Archer, Bil, and Edgar. They’re not totally done yet, but they’s each at least 80 percent there, I’d say. Woohoo!

More to come

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