I Is A Lazy Muddafuckah

Friday, October 12th, 2012

…Because I feel like it’s been like a week or something since I’ve last animated anything. I’ve become very lazy these past few days/past week. And yesterday was officially the first day where I legitimately didn’t do ANYTHING in the way of working on my film. WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME. AAHHH. I NEED INCENTIVE.

Anyway, despite my horrible issue with perception of my own productivity, here’s the official first-ever lit-and-rendered frame from my film!!!

AKA this is me trying to give myself incentive. But wow, check that shit out!! Yes, I know the lighting is all wrong, but just goes to show one really important thing (that I already kinda knew):

Lighting makes everything look a thousand times better than it looks while I’m animating it.

Don’t believe me? This is what the exact same frame looks like in Maya with no lighting:

…yea. Even his facial expression somehow looks better in the lit version! Sometimes  man, I don’t even know. But it’s working for me, thank god.

Also, this makes me really happy because like………. I DID ALL OF THIS FROM SCRATCH! And this also the first scene I’m animating that involves more than one Character Rig at a time, and I haven’t run into any issues with that yet! (I don’t know why I would find issues with that, but you never know. You neeevvverrrr knowwwwww with Mayaaaaa….)

But yea. I dunno, seeing this first lighting test really gives me hope that my film could turn into something great. It’s just sort of hard to visualize when all you see are these lifeless-looking poorly-lit dolls whenever I’m animating… So yea. There’s hope. Anyway, back to work I guess.

– More to come

EDIT: Oh shit P.S.! I did some math, and figured that since this render took 30 seconds to do, and the film will be ~4.5 minutes at 24 fps, that comes out to just over 100 hours of render time… and that’s not counting adding the 2D elements to the film! FFFfuUUUuuuUCcCccCCKKKKkkkkkkk


Oh and P.P.S., this is the 50th post I’ve made on this  blog! GO MEEEE

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