Some Goofy Lookin’ Kids

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

So the Mean Girl has her posse of guys that follow her around, right?

Well, this past weekend I went ahead and made a big first step towards designing them and figuring out what they’d look like. And I realized pretty soon that they should be stylish-looking kids, because after all; if the Mean Girl is a popular kid, then she’s only gonna want popular kids to hang with her. Sooooo, here you go.

4 Stylish Middle School Boys:

ARCHER (My favorite) (Which means it only goes down from here…)


CASSIDY (My least favorite) (It gets slightly better from here) (Maybe)


Now you don’t need to tell me — these kids look way too fucking old. Don’t worry, this is just a rough pass on their design. The final versions of these kids is going to look a LOT different. And while I do admittedly like the clothing some of them wear, I also know that these kids are kind of ~too~ stylish to be Middle Schoolers. Like, these kids don’t make sense. Don’t worry, I know.

Also their heads all look kind of the same, but for a reason — their heads are made from the exact same mesh as the Hero Rig head mesh, but I morphed each of them around to look different. Except I need to morph them around a little bit more to get them to truly look individual.

But anyway, yea. Designing kids is hard, yo! For future films, I definitely don’t want to ever feature kids who are younger than 15 years old. This whole “middle schooler” shit is way too difficult to capture, design-wise. AND I AIN’T A DESIGNER, YO!!! It’s not what I’m cut out to do~ But if I can knock out 4 kids in a weekend then I figure I can fix them up in just as much time…

But yea! Just thought I’d throw these images out on to the internet to embarrass myself and also keep a record of the progress I’m making with these characters. And after these kids, there’ll only be one 3D character left to model — the Hero’s Mom! And she’s an adult, so I FINALLY won’t have to worry about her looking too old! Yesssss.

More to come (as always)

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