Archive for July, 2012

Summer Check Up #2 – More Modelling

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

I’m still focusing on modelling! Mainly because it’s kind of therapeutic to do so.



(She has no hair in those models but don’t worry, she will. I’m still potentially undecided on what her hair should be like)

Also, the mean-girl’s character has a bunch of cronies who follow her around, so I’ve been modelling different heads for them! (I figure their bodies will be relatively the same, since they’re all male kids. I’ll maybe tweak each one to be different based on body weight or height for variation’s sake)

I like the middle two the best. We’ll see how those go. 🙂

But until then, there’s certainly more to come!


– Max

Summer Check Up #1 – Modelling!

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Hey! I know I haven’t posted on this in a while. My one excuse is that the internship I’ve been doing at Dreamworks really eats up just about all of my time.

Luckily it doesn’t eat it ALL up, however. I’ve been playing around in this freeware 3D modelling program called “Sculptris,” and look what I’ve come up with!

Do you recognize them? It’s the main character and the mean girl/antagonist from my senior thesis film!

No, they don’t have names yet. I know, I know. It’ll happen in time. But yea! These are more or less my first ever attempts at modelling in 3D, and I know they’re not perfect, but I also can’t help but really like them! (Especially the mean girl! She looks so mean! :D)

Anyway, yea. Just thought I’d throw this up there and also just say that I’m not doing nothing!!! I think about my film every day, it’s just hard to actually work on it when I’m working 9-6 M-F. I apologize. Aaaaaaand…. yea!

That’s all for now. But there will certainly be more to come.

– Max