7 Versions of 1 Style Frame

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

OK so this is all I really have to show for this week as far as progress (well, that and the booklet/new storyboard and animatic) (but I’m gonna feel bad about my lack of progress anyway). My excuse is that this is the last week of classes, so I’ve had to finish my last Writing 340 paper, finish work for this online class I’m doing, and also deal with my 3 other classes as well. But luckily after tomorrow (Thursday, April 26th, 2012) I’ll be done forever with WRIT340 and my online class, leaving me with simply some animation to finish up (CTAN302), some studying for CTCS201 to do, and THIS CLASS. Which will take up most of my time this coming week and a half, since A) I have a lot of work left to do on this project before I feel comfortable presenting it to faculty, and B) Working on Phantoms In The Dark is really really really fun. And I hope it stays fun for the rest of the coming year!

But for now, here’s some passes on a style frame!


Anyway, as you can see, these are 7 different variations on the same style frame. (It’s the final shot of the film when the kid is standing in front of all of his new monster friends and  he finally feels proud about it) And after much much thought on the matter, I’ve rounded down my style (as far as animation medium) down to 2 possibilities — either have it all be 2D Hand-drawn animation, or have it be a mix, with the kids+hero+mom+environments being 3D, and the monsters being 2D animation. I dunno, I’ll have to meditate on it a bit. But making styles frames like this will really help me come up with a final style…

More to come! And only a week and a half left! AAAHHH! Crunch time!

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