Fun Little Post

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

So this is just an image I want to post, but it’s an important image, I sense.

See, I work as a staff-artist for the Daily Trojan at USC, and I made this art to accompany an upcoming article. (Hopefully I’m not breaching a contract by posting this. Whatever. Not many people read this anyway.) The original was this:

And I admittedly WAS thinking of Phantoms In The Dark when I drew those blobby-ghost things, but I didn’t realize, as I drew the kid, that he’d turn out so… cute. I guess I was trying to draw a typical USC student, but it suddenly turned into what kind of looks more like a 10 or 12-year-old. And when I looked at this image right before submitting it to the DT, I realized that it looks kind of like it’s straight out of the PITD universe. So… I dunno. Just thought I’d share this moment. For all I know this could be going nowhere and I’ll go with a totally different design for the main character of my film. But this kid’s cute, and I’ll probably work him around and see what I can get from this kind of design. One thing’s for sure, though, he’s certainly better-suited for my film than that little monster I made for last week (look one post below)

But yea. There’s certainly more to come!





And instead of just making a new post, I’m just adding it to this post since I just did it anyway.



Make of it what you will. I basically just kinda worked from the original image I made for the DT article, and what I mainly learned is that I like those eyes that have the little things on the sides. Also, hairstyles. Lots of hairstyles.


I don’t fuckin’ know.

2 comments on “Fun Little Post

  1. The boy is still looking too old to really sympathize as someone who is getting bullied. We need to feel like he can’t really defend himself, that he’s new to the whole making friends thing, that he’s a little shy.

    First, I would recommend not to draw lips. simplier is easier to animate and a line in more like a child and a boy. He also needs a rounder face and probably larger eyes.

    Children/movies to look at for your characters:
    -Jungle Book
    -Peter pan
    -the rescuer’s
    -monster house
    -some Pascal Campion art:
    Almost all children books! Madeline, Nate the Great, etc.
    : >
    Hope that helps

  2. Did my comment not go through?

    He doesn’t look young and defenseless enough. We need to symphasize with him, feel he hasn’t figured out how to make friends, feel he’s a bit shy and a bit afraid.

    -simple lips
    -round face
    -big eyes

    Children/movies to look at for your characters:
    -Jungle Book
    -Peter pan
    -the rescuer’s
    -monster house
    -Pascal Campion art:
    Almost all children books! Madeline, Nate the Great, etc.
    : >
    Children have round faces

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