A Little Bit O’ Character Design

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Hey! So as far as actual human characters, the one I’ve been mainly focusing on is (of course) the main character. So I did a head-turnaround of what I am thinking of doing for him so far:

And aside from him, the only other (important) humans are really the Mean Girl and the boy’s mom. That’s it. And aside from those three, there are the Mean Girl’s friends (who are gonna be more-or-less nondescript… I still need to figure out their general look/make it awesome, but I don’t imagine I’ll have to work too hard to come up with individual awesome designs for each of them…) and then there are the MONSTERS that the Hero will encounter.

Luckily, coming up with Monsters ideas is super fucking fun.

Now, the creatures I made in these two panels are mainly things you’d find in swamps or gooey, dark, creepy areas. Which is a good start, since the mansion where the Monsters are all situated is, in fact, a dark creepy place. But I want the monsters in Phantoms In The Dark to be marked with a tone of eclecticism as well; I want them to look sort of random, like it doesn’t make sense that all these creatures from very different backgrounds all congregated to have a party together. So I plan on working on making monsters that come from all sorts of other backgrounds — ones that come from the forest, ones that are from fairy tales, from society, from Heaven, from Hell, from a Heironymous Bosch painting, etc. etc. It’s gonna be bonkers. And I’m excited to keep working on it! This is the tippy-tippiest tip of the iceberg, people, and there is definitely more to come.

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