Storyboard_v3, Animatic_v1!!!

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

I had office hours with Mike this last Tuesday, and I originally wanted to talk with him about Character Design because I felt like I was lagging behind in that. He, however, had apparently gone through my storyboard and made a bunch of cuts/edits. Which was fuckin’ awesome! So I did pretty much all of those edits (there are still some problems with framing of a few shots) and so here you go! And it’s in a sleeker, 6-frame horizontal format. AND, more text. AND the text is more professional. Or at least it’s trying to be. I need to put in more stuff (textually) about sound cues, but I think I covered visuals. Anyway here you go.


Aaaand, as the title of this post promises, I ALSO got a first-pass out on the Animatic! The sound levels are kind of wonky in some areas (most notably the scenes in the School playground) but other than that I like it. And the audio is me speaking into my computer’s built-in mike. Don’t be jealous.

Here it is. I apologize if your eyes and ears melt off:

One comment on “Storyboard_v3, Animatic_v1!!!

  1. uscanimation says:

    great work – see you in class:)

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