Something I Made While Storyboarding

Monday, March 5th, 2012

My goal for this coming thursday is to have storyboarded the entire story. But I made this sexiness in the meantime:


So, I guess the point of this post is to announce that “Phantoms In The Dark” is, in fact, the working title of my piece. And I really like it, so it may stay. So get used to it!

Also, as far as how my story’s going — I cut it down a LOT. There were scenes involving parent-teacher conferences and such, and there was a part where the kid went back to school, then went back to the haunted house, and then back to school again (I suddenly realized I haven’t even shared the full story on this blog yet… oops. whatever, you’ll learn it soon), and I’ve just basically consolidated it down to (what should be) around 60-ish storyboard frames… which is GREAT because if you can see by my last post, I had done 60-ish storyboard frames, and that was just HALF of what the story was at that point. So I’m happy. If I can shorten it down any more, I’ll gladly do so, and I’ll be figuring out how to effectively shorten it/make the story stronger as I go, but what I have now is also really sick in my opinion, and I’m getting exciiiitedddd! woooooo

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