Archive for March, 2012

Topping it off: Soundscape+Statement

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

So I made a “soundscape” that’s meant as an attempt to embody the mood and spirit of my piece. I feel like I did a good job. Have a listen:

Also, I made a sort of “Thesis Statement” for my Thesis Film. First, though, I made a bunch of brainstormed properties that my story is about. And they all began with, “It’s A Story Of…”


It’s a story of a boy who abandons his human friends to go hang out with party monsters/ghosts/demons


It’s a story of finding yourself in the enemy.


It’s a story of becoming your own worst fear as a means of growing up/finding youreslf.


It’s a story of not going with what everyone tells you is right.


It’s a story of overcoming bullying.


It’s a story of sticking it to people who make you feel outcasted


It’s a story of sticking it to people who told you you were doing things wrong


It’s a story of sticking it to people that don’t want you to be yourself


It’s a story of truly knowing what it best for yourself, in spite of what other people say


It’s a story of being a confused young kid.


It’s a story of finding pride in who you are


Anyway, then I conglomerated all of those into a sort of blurb kind of explanation of the story:

“Phantoms In The Dark” focuses on a confused, weird kid who just wants to make friends. His parents tell him to hang with the school yard kids, but the school yard kids tell him to bug off. Luckily, there is an alternative: the ghoul house. And although everyone fears the monsters and ghosts within, this lonely kid will end up switching to what everyone says is the dark side. Because when the bad guys treat you nicely, they’re not bad anymore. This is a story of finding the pride and courage needed to be oneself, and creating a friendship with what everyone else considers an enemy.

So there you go. See you all in class tomorrow!

These are too basic to be called Style Frames

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

I attempted to make Style Frames too!

The first one is an image of the main character looking at the scary ghoul mansion before going in.

The second one is an image of the main character trapped in the ghoul mansion while the big party is going on. The reason the ghosts look like I’m trying to make them look 3D is because I WAS trying to make them look 3D because I’m thinking of maybe having the ghouls be in 3D. They wouldn’t just be blobs like I have them now. I just got lazy…

The third one is an image of the beginning of the short, where the kid is standing at the front door, not wanting to go to his first day of school.

Oh and here’s the link to the PDF with the 3 style frames.


And by Style Frames I mean these are actually more like Color Studies. Lol oops.

Doing this did inform me of one thing, though — I think the main character’s hair should be red.


Thursday, March 29th, 2012

I’ve been a real poop-face when it comes to actually updating this blog. But I’m about to post a bunch of shit tonight because class is tomorrow and I like letting stuff out in big weekly spurts like this, hehehe. Here’s a link to the latest Storyboards, now in PDF format because fuck uploading a zillion different JPGs.




I hope that link works! This is my first time posting a PDF to this blog thingy.

The Story(board) So Far!

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

OK here you go — 11 Storyboard panels with text!











So the storyboard panels went a bit out of control, and almost doubled my original prediction of 60-ish frames. Oops. I’ll still focus on shortening it still, and also I think that as far as plot weakness, the part that needs the most help is the one between when the main character has the conversation with the ghosts and when he’s suddenly at school the next day. There might have to be something between there, I dunno. But luckily I got half-a-semester yet to figure it all out.

But for now, time for SPRING BREAK!!

Something I Made While Storyboarding

Monday, March 5th, 2012

My goal for this coming thursday is to have storyboarded the entire story. But I made this sexiness in the meantime:


So, I guess the point of this post is to announce that “Phantoms In The Dark” is, in fact, the working title of my piece. And I really like it, so it may stay. So get used to it!

Also, as far as how my story’s going — I cut it down a LOT. There were scenes involving parent-teacher conferences and such, and there was a part where the kid went back to school, then went back to the haunted house, and then back to school again (I suddenly realized I haven’t even shared the full story on this blog yet… oops. whatever, you’ll learn it soon), and I’ve just basically consolidated it down to (what should be) around 60-ish storyboard frames… which is GREAT because if you can see by my last post, I had done 60-ish storyboard frames, and that was just HALF of what the story was at that point. So I’m happy. If I can shorten it down any more, I’ll gladly do so, and I’ll be figuring out how to effectively shorten it/make the story stronger as I go, but what I have now is also really sick in my opinion, and I’m getting exciiiitedddd! woooooo

Storyboards That Are Already Worthless!

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

So I got some sorta story out there… and wrote out a storyboard… and then storyboared 3-ish scenes from it. Here’s what I did!



As you can tell, I obviously don’t have any character designs set yet, since for all I know this story will also crash and burn and I’ll have to come up with another one last minute. So for now I drew circle-people. Woo!


Also, the reason that these storyboards are “already worthless” is because after doing these boards, I realized I needed to shorten the FUCK out of my story (At the state it WAS at, it was looking like a 7-minute piece, which, while doable, is kinda like ehhh… Would rather have it be shorter and sweeter) and the three scenes in these boards are basically the ones that ended up getting cut. Haha!


So clearly I am a master of the artistic process. It’s ok though. At least I got some storyboarding practice out of it!